Blog Post: What is the Point of Drinking Straws?

What is the Point of Drinking Straws?


The use of straws for drinks has been a part of our culture for centuries. From the ancient Sumerians using gold tubes to sip their beer, to the modern plastic and paper straws we use today, the drinking straw has evolved significantly over time. But have you ever stopped to ponder, what is the point of drinking straws? Why do we use them? Are they just a convenience or do they serve a greater purpose? Let's delve into this topic and unravel the mystery behind these ubiquitous tools.

The Convenience Factor

One of the primary reasons why straws are used in drinks is due to their convenience factor. They make it easier for us to consume our beverages without having to lift our glasses or cups. This can be particularly useful when we're on the go or when we're trying to multitask. Straws also prevent us from spilling our drinks, which can be a lifesaver at parties or during meals.

Moreover, using straws in hot drinks like coffee or tea can help protect our teeth from staining and reduce sensitivity by directing the liquid away from our teeth. For cold beverages, straws help us avoid brain freeze by allowing us to sip slowly rather than gulping down a chilled drink.

Health and Hygiene Benefits

Another significant point of using straws in drinks revolves around health and hygiene. In public places like restaurants or cafes, glasses may not always be cleaned thoroughly. Using a straw minimizes direct contact between your mouth and the glass, reducing potential exposure to germs.

Furthermore, people with certain health conditions or disabilities find it easier to drink using a straw. For instance, individuals with sensitive teeth or those who have undergone dental surgery often prefer using straws as it helps direct the beverage away from sensitive areas in their mouth.

Environmental Impact: A Double-Edged Sword

While there are clear benefits associated with the use of straws, it's important to also consider their environmental impact. Traditional plastic straws are single-use items that contribute significantly to global plastic pollution. They often end up in our oceans, posing a threat to marine life.

However, in recent years, there has been a shift towards more sustainable alternatives. Paper straws, reusable metal or glass straws, and even edible straws have gained popularity as eco-friendly options. These alternatives aim to provide the convenience and hygiene benefits of traditional straws while minimizing their environmental footprint.

The Social Aspect of Straws

Finally, let's not forget the social aspect associated with using straws. Straws can add a fun and festive touch to drinks at parties or social gatherings. Think about the colorful bendy straws in your child's birthday party punch or the elegant cocktail straw in your martini at a fancy dinner party. Straws can also be functional accessories in certain drinks like bubble tea where they double as utensils for consuming tapioca pearls.

Conclusion: The Point of Drinking Straws

So, what is the point of drinking straws? They offer convenience by making it easier to consume beverages without spills or messes. They provide health and hygiene benefits by reducing direct contact with glasses and helping those with dental sensitivities or disabilities. They add a fun element to our drinks during social occasions.

However, it's crucial that we remain mindful of their environmental impact. By opting for more sustainable alternatives when possible, we can enjoy the benefits of using straws while also doing our part to protect our planet.

In conclusion, whether you're sipping on a hot latte, enjoying a refreshing smoothie, or indulging in a cocktail at a party, remember that these simple tools called drinking straws have more to them than meets the eye!

Blog Post: Is it Good to Drink Out of a Straw?

4 Jan

Is it Good to Drink Out of a Straw?


The use of straws for drinking has been a common practice for many years. Whether you're sipping on a refreshing iced tea during a hot summer day or enjoying your favorite smoothie, straws drinks are an integral part of our daily lives. However, have you ever stopped to think about whether it's good to drink out of a straw? This article will delve into the pros and cons of using straws for drinking, helping you make an informed decision.

The Benefits of Using Straws for Drinks

1. Protects Your Teeth

One significant benefit of using straws is that they can help protect your teeth from potential damage. When you drink acidic or sugary beverages directly from a cup or bottle, the liquid comes into direct contact with your teeth. Over time, this can lead to tooth decay and discoloration. However, when you use a straw, the liquid bypasses your teeth and reduces the risk of these dental issues.

2. Helps with Sensitive Teeth

If you have sensitive teeth, drinking cold or hot beverages can be uncomfortable or even painful. Using a straw can help alleviate this discomfort by directing the liquid away from your sensitive teeth and straight to your throat.

3. Controls Portions

Straws drinks can also help control portion sizes. When sipping through a straw, you tend to drink slower and in smaller amounts compared to gulping directly from a cup or bottle.

The Downsides of Using Straws for Drinks

1. Potential Health Risks

While there are benefits to using straws for drinks, there are also potential health risks involved. One concern is that frequent use of straws can lead to wrinkles around the mouth due to the pursing action required when sipping through a straw.

Additionally, drinking carbonated drinks through a straw may increase gas intake leading to bloating and discomfort.

2. Environmental Impact

The environmental impact of plastic straws is another significant downside. Millions of plastic straws are used daily, contributing to the growing problem of plastic pollution. While there are reusable and biodegradable straw options available, the majority of straws used worldwide are still made from non-recyclable plastic.

Alternatives to Plastic Straws

Given the environmental concerns associated with plastic straws, many people are turning to more sustainable alternatives. Here are a few options:

1. Metal Straws: These reusable straws are durable and easy to clean. They also come in various sizes and shapes, making them suitable for different types of drinks.

2. Bamboo Straws: Made from natural bamboo, these straws are biodegradable and compostable.

3. Glass Straws: These straws offer a stylish alternative to plastic ones. They're also reusable and easy to clean.

4. Paper Straws: Although not as durable as other alternatives, paper straws are a good option for single-use scenarios as they're biodegradable.


So, is it good to drink out of a straw? The answer largely depends on your personal needs and preferences. If you have sensitive teeth or want to protect your teeth from potential damage, using a straw can be beneficial. However, it's essential to be aware of the potential health risks and environmental impact associated with using straws.

If you choose to use straws for your drinks, consider opting for more sustainable alternatives such as metal, bamboo, glass or paper straws. Not only will you enjoy the benefits that come with sipping through a straw but also contribute positively towards reducing plastic pollution.

where are paper straws made?

We produce our paper drinking straws in our eco-friendly facility located in the United Kingdom, specifically in England.

How are paper straw made?

Our process involves utilizing food-grade paper glue and inks to create these eco-friendly straws. Each straw is meticulously formed by rolling together 3 or 4 layers of paper, securely bonded with adhesives.

How do paper straws help the environment?

Embracing paper straws delivers a constructive contribution towards reducing plastic waste, given their biodegradable and compostable nature.

How many straws are used each day?

The UK witnesses a daily consumption of approximately 23 million straws.

How do paper straws work?

The process involves feeding multiple slender paper strips through a food-grade adhesive, which binds them together to shape a paper straw.

How do paper straws not get soggy?

Enhanced paper quality, adhesive integrity, and meticulous straw design all contribute to extended durability within liquids.

How many paper straws from one tree?

Roughly 900,000 paper straws can be produced from a single standard pine tree.

Are paper straws recyclable?

Our paper straws are recyclable, guaranteeing their plastic-free composition and suitability for composting.

Are paper straws better?

Crafted with environmental friendliness in mind, these straws break down significantly faster than even the most environmentally-conscious plastics, effectively reducing and eliminating plastic waste.

Are paper straws worse than plastic?

Paper straws are considered better than plastic straws for several reasons:

  • Biodegradability: Paper straws are biodegradable, meaning they can naturally decompose over time, unlike plastic straws which can persist in the environment for hundreds of years.

  • Reduced Environmental Impact: The production of paper straws generally has a lower environmental impact compared to plastic straws, which are made from fossil fuels and contribute to pollution during their production.

  • Renewable Resource: Paper is derived from trees, which are a renewable resource. Plastic, on the other hand, is made from non-renewable petroleum resources.

  • Less Harmful to Wildlife: Plastic straws can pose a threat to wildlife when ingested or entangled, while paper straws are less likely to cause harm to animals.

  • Recyclability: Many paper straws can be recycled with paper waste, whereas plastic straws are often not easily recyclable due to their small size and the challenges of processing them.

  • Image and Consumer Preference: Using paper straws aligns with consumer preferences for environmentally friendly options, which can improve a company's image and attract eco-conscious customers.

  • Advancements in Technology: While paper straws initially had issues with durability, advancements in manufacturing techniques have led to more robust paper straws that maintain their integrity better in liquids.

It's important to note that the overall environmental impact of any product depends on various factors including sourcing, manufacturing processes, transportation, and end-of-life disposal.

Are paper straws cheaper than plastic?

Presently, paper straws do carry a higher cost compared to plastic ones, mainly due to initial production expenses. Nevertheless, we guarantee that our paper straws offer the best value on the market. While the upfront cost might be slightly higher than plastic, the long-term benefits for the environment make them a worthwhile investment.

Are paper straws gluten free

Yes, our paper straws are made from materials like paper or other plant-based fibers, and they do not contain gluten.

Are Paper straws bad?

Using a paper straw to drink can offer dental benefits, particularly if you often consume sugary or teeth-staining beverages like coffee. Additionally, paper straws can provide a more hygienic experience compared to drinking directly from canned beverages, as cans' edges can harbor harmful bacteria during storage and transportation.

When were paper straws invented?

In 1888, American inventor Marvin C. Stone obtained a patent for the modern drinking straw. Measuring 8 1/2 inches in length and crafted from paper, this innovative design marked a significant milestone in straw history.

How long does a paper straw last in a home environment?

Paper Straw does not have a sell by date, however we recommend storing in a dry warm area for the straw to keep its long life.

How long do paper straws last in a drink or beverage?

Now this is a tough question. It all depends on the user of the straw and what type of drink you are consuming however a paper straw typically last over 1 hour in your drink however in some cases if you don’t try and destroy my straw it will last over 24 hours. Do not hold me to account on this though, I can’t control what your kid does to the straw.

What is a paper straw?

A paper straw is a tube which is constructed by either 3 or 4 layers of paper. These layers of paper are then stuck together using a food grade glue or as some would call it a straw adhesive. This will stick all the layers of paper together to create the straw / tube. and as its made of paper that’s where we get the name from. PAPER STRAW.